Sensa Nostra is a human experience archive. We deliver a multitude of content to articulate on topics from UFOs to Jesus Love, sexual frivolities to passionate Harry Potter hatred. Anonymity ensures views are free from self-censorship. Though opinionated, each article will voice a belief through strong, clear and rational arguments, so they have the emotional appeal of a blog, the style of a magazine and argumentative structure of a newspaper.


We select for our readers only the best variety of original content, building a strong database of information. Some opinions will provoke anger, some laughter and others may even make you cry, but they will definitely all make you think. People will come to our website not to read what they already agree with, but the total opposite: to experience a journey to new realms of consciousness. Sensa Nostra has a place for everyone and will ever seek to gain intriguing new content for curious readers.