The archived voices of Sensa Nostra seek to open people’s eyes. They function to foster enlightenment, empathy, and awareness. By doing this, Sensa Nostra erodes barriers of prejudice that may otherwise prevent people from accepting others, encouraging critical self-evaluation and reflection. This challenging of one’s own thought paradigms and way of life may lead the way to renewed and deepened insight and empathy towards those who deviate from the norm. By facilitating understanding of the perspectives and lives of others, Sensa Nostra hopes to inspire and educate its audience, thereby helping people to not only realize why and how they live their lives, but also to consider novel alternatives. 



Social networks preselect information to make sure you read something you’re supposedly more inclined to be interested in. Even the basic search engine tools redirect their users to the information that they have looked for in the past. This leaves us stuck in a cycle of information we already know and obscures our view of society. The reality is that, whether you realize it or not, our society has become more fractured as a result.

Thanks to Sensa Nostra you finally have a website with quality content, where you can be sure that you will be exposed to views you perhaps do not agree with and topics you have never come across before.


Our multinational content and volunteer journalistic team sources articles from all over the globe from communist and Islamic States, to your own neighborhood. We give every individual the chance to explain their own personal experience. Eventually we will be a platform of social enlightenment and uncensored self-expression. Our vision is to do our part for society by exposing and giving air to the views of all minorities making Sensa Nostra a rich, unbiased database of perspectives.
In short, Sensa Nostra will be a new Wiki of thoughts opening your mind, challenging your perceptions and promoting a greater understanding of the world around us.

Still want to read some more? Check our co-founder’s interview!